| Read Time: 4 minutes | Probate

How to Avoid Probate in Texas: The Dos & Don’ts

Probate gets a bad rap, and for a good reason. There are deadlines to meet, fees to pay, and hearings to attend—all while trying to grieve the loss of your loved one. Navigating an unfamiliar legal proceeding is probably the last thing you want to do during such an emotionally charged time. Luckily, there are ways of avoiding probate...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Probate

When Is Probate Necessary & Not Necessary in Texas?

The probate process can be expensive and time-consuming, but don’t stress quite yet. Not all estates have to go through probate. So when is probate necessary in Texas? The short answer is, if someone dies leaving assets solely in their name, then you need to probate the estate. Is Probate Always Necessary? No. Probate is the legal process of...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Probate

Can You Live in a House During Probate? 

In addition to handling your grief, you may have to go to probate court to figure out what to do with a loved one’s assets after they pass. Your court case might include questions about who gets the decedent’s home. So, can you live in a house during probate in Texas? Yes, but you might have to navigate a...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Probate

Estate Administrator vs. Executor: Key Differences 

In the face of losing someone you love, probate can feel overwhelming. The process can be incredibly overwhelming because of all the unfamiliar terms that pop up in probate matters. Two big terms that come up early in probate cases are “executor” and “estate administrator.” Administrators and executors do many of the same things, but how do these roles...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Probate

Enhanced Life Estate Deeds in Texas 

When you think about how to give your home to a loved one after you die, your first thought might be, “My last will and testament.” However, a will is not your only choice when giving real estate to loved ones after you die. Longer probate proceedings are not inevitable when passing your estate on to the next generation....

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Probate

Texas: What Happens If a House Goes into Foreclosure During Probate? 

A house can be one of the most valuable assets a person owns. But what happens to it if they still owe money on it when they die? What happens if a house goes into foreclosure during probate? There are ways to delay foreclosure, usually requiring a promise to pay outstanding amounts owed. The lender may successfully foreclose if...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Probate

Critical Questions to Ask Your Texas Probate Attorney 

Probate is one of a few areas of the law that most people will interact with at some point. When someone dies, someone needs to take care of their final affairs. Probate is an integral part of that process and requires a probate lawyer. When deciding who to hire, it helps to bring a list of the most important...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Probate

The Role of Probate Inventory in Estate Settlements

Creating a probate inventory is one critical task that stands out when dealing with the probate process. This step is essential for ensuring a smooth estate settlement under Texas law. Understanding its importance can help you handle the probate process with confidence. What Is a Probate Inventory? A probate-inventory is a detailed list of all the assets and liabilities...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Probate

Do I Need a Lawyer for Probate in Texas?

Under Texas law, the probate process can be overwhelming, especially if you’re handling the estate of a loved one. You might ask yourself, Do I need a lawyer for probate? This question is common, and understanding when legal assistance is necessary can help you make an informed decision. What Is Probate Under Texas Law?  Probate is the legal process...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Probate

Top Strategies for Probate Avoidance in Texas

When you plan your estate, providing for your loved ones is often priority number one. You want to make the transition as stress-free as possible, minimize costs, get property in their hands quickly, and distribute assets fairly. You can often accomplish these goals through probate avoidance—creating legal documents that pass property to new owners without court involvement. At Robbins...

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